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In The Name Of Allah The Most Merciful The Most Gracious

By Dr. Omer El-Hamdoon

Praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Prophet Mohammed, his family, companions, and all who follow him until the Day of Judgment.

As we enter the New Hijrah Year, we close the chapter on a year of our lives. Allah has sealed the record of our past year, and we will not see it again until the Day of Judgment, as stated in the Holy Quran: “Read your own record: sufficient is your soul this day to make out an account against yourself.” (Chapter of the Night Ascension)

Allah says in Hadith Al-Qudsi: “O My servants, it is but your deeds that I record for you and then I will give them back to you. So whoever did good, let him praise Allah and whoever finds otherwise let him blame no one but himself.” (Narrated by Imam Muslim)

This New Year offers a fresh page where our deeds will be recorded and on the Day of Judgment in sha Allah we will have some faces will shine with joy while others will be darkened with shame.

As narrated in the Holy Quran “Whoever is pushed far from the fire and admitted to the Garden will have succeeded. And what is the life of this world but goods of deception.” (Chapter of the Family of ʿImrān)

Al-Ḥassan al-Baṣrī said: “Not a single day dawns and says, ‘I am a new day and on your deeds, I witness so gain from me for I will not return until the Day of Judgment.'”

We are encouraged to enhance our īmān, perform good deeds, and hasten towards righteousness. Allah’s mercy provides us with opportunities to correct our paths and pursue happiness through good deeds.

A man who worshipped Allah for 20 years and then fell into disobedience for another 20 years reflects upon returning to righteousness. He questions whether Allah would forgive him and hears a reassuring voice: “You obeyed Us for 20 years so you were close, disobeyed Us for 20 years so We abandoned you, and if you returned We will accept you.”

The New Hijrah Year

The New Hijrah Year reminds us of the Prophet Muhammad (ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam) and his companions’ migration from Makkah to Madinah, which marked the beginning of victory for Islam. This victory hinges on understanding the true essence of Hijrah, not merely as a physical journey but as a spiritual migration towards Allah.

The sense of loss is profound for those who arrive on the Day of Judgement only to plead says “O’ Lord give me another chance to return so that I may do good and that I was on Earth for a few hours only.”  

“On that day the Hour of Reckoning will be established; the transgressors will swear that they tarried not but an hour; thus were they used to being deluded. But those endued with knowledge and faith will say, ‘Indeed ye did tarry with Allah’s decree to the Day of Resurrection and this is the Day of Resurrection but ye do not know.” (Chapter of The Romans 30:55-56)

The Hijrah of the Prophet (ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam) and his companions from Makkah to Madinah marks a pivotal moment in Islamic history, igniting hope among believers that Hijrah was the start of victory for this religion. The hearts of the believers are filled with hope that the future is for Islam and victory is for those servants who fear Allah.

 However, the true victory promised by the Hijrah only materializes when Muslims grasp its deeper significance, which extends beyond a mere geographical move, but it was the Hijrah of the hearts to Allah, as ʾIbrāhīm (ʿalaiyi al-salām) eloquently captured this essence when he declared: “I am migrating to my Lord”. (Chapter of the Spider 29:26)

The spiritual migration (The Hijrah) involved the companions sacrificing all their earthly possessions including themselves for the sake of Allah, embodying the profound shift from disobedience towards complete submission to Allah’s will. Some of the reverts to Islam who became Muslims in the Year of Liberation wanted to migrate to Madinah so the Prophet (ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam) clarified the real meaning of the Hijrah to them and said “No Hijrah after the Year of Liberation, but Jihād and intention (with work)”. (Narrated by Imams al-Bukhārī and Muslim)

How greatly do we require a migration of the heart? This spiritual journey from disobedience to obedience, from worldly pursuits to divine devotion, mirrors the sacrifice of the early companions who traded earthly comforts for eternal rewards.

The Prophet (ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam) emphasized: “The Hijrah does not end or stop until repentance has ended and repentance does not end until the sun rises from the west.” (Narrated by Imam Abu Dāwūd)

As we observe this blessed month, one of four deemed sacred, the importance of virtuous acts and refraining from sin is amplified. A significant aspect of this month is the fasting of ʿĀshūrāʾ.

As narrated in Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī and Muslim: When the Prophet (ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam) came to Madinah and noticed the Jews fasting, he inquired “What is this day you fast?”

They replied “This day is great, when Allah saved Mūsā (ʿalayhi al-salām) and his tribe from pharaoh and pharaoh and his tribe were drowned. Mūsā (ʿalayhi al-salām) fasted that day, so we fast like him”

The Prophet (ṣalla Allahu ʿalayhi wa sallam) said “We are closer to Mūsā (ʿalayhi al-salām) than you” and directed his companions to fast as well.

Therefore, we should observe fasting on ʿĀshūrāʾ, the 10th day of this month, and also a day before or after, to distinguish ourselves from the Jews. This day, according to the Hadith, “Will wipe out the sins of the previous year,” (Narrated by Imam Muslim) although it is understood that only minor sins are erased this way, and the large sins like adultery, drinking alcohol and taking interest can only be wiped out through repentance.

5 thoughts on “The New Hijrah Year”

  1. Hafiy Usman

    Ma Sha Allah. A clear and concise message, pinpointing the significance the new Hijrah year.

    May The Lord of The Worlds bless us all with Taqwa, Emaan, and Sincerity, allowing us to utilise this year to strengthen our understanding of Islam, and to grow as Muslims.

    May Allah Azzawajal bless us with the best of both worlds, and ease the suffering of Muslims around the globe. Ameen.

    Keep up this invaluable work.
    Jazak Allah Khairan.

    1. As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh.
      Jazak Allah Khairan for your comment and feedback.

      May Allah accept your duas, Ameen.
      Wa antum fa jazak Allahu khairan.
      Please do share the article so that everyone can benefit from it, In Sha Allah.

    1. As Salaam Alaikum wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh.
      Jazak Allah Khairan for your comment and feedback.

      In Sha Allah, we are working on sharing our knowledge through our platform.

      Please do share the article so that everyone can benefit from it, In Sha Allah.

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